RYAN: Sorority Rising. I didn’t like the first Neighbors. I said Skip it! But of course I wanted to keep an open mind going into this one. And I’m surprised and happy to say it’s better than the first one. I did LOL and while it’s actually quite offensive in parts, it’s also quite funny. And if that’s the goal of comedy – which it should be – I was entertained and it was funny. I find little fault with this movie.
BECKY: I guffawed several times even though I was aware we both had some negativity going into it. The initial part of the film turned me off so entirely. I’m all for grotesque but sometimes it got so grotesque that it went a step too far. It was just easy and gross.
RYAN: We have similar senses of humor. We prefer cleverness, smart jokes, things that make us think. We don’t have a lot of tolerance or appreciation for the toilet humor.
BECKY: It’s 13 year old boy humor.
RYAN: Exactly. But that is who these movies are made for – so we can’t honestly fault it for completing its mission, you know? They are achieving their goal – the target audience is the underdeveloped frat boy – young, straight male. But I will point out this movie has two things going for it that the first did not – the girls and the gays. there are storylines and characters –
BECKY: That is refreshing and sweet.
RYAN: It’s very pro-feminist which is a twist in this kind of film and the gay stuff wasn’t offensive they way other things are – primarily just the stupid or disgusting things. Forgiving that – everything else about it worked. It’s only 90 minutes. Some laughs – I actually burt out a couple times.
BECKY: Yeah and there are two messages. One – airbags are funny and two – Zach Efron… super fine.
RYAN: I’ve never found him attractive until this movie. I may be late the party but I’ve arrived. He looks incredible.
BECKY: I’m ready to buy a poster and put it up.
RYAN: He just needed to mature enough.
BECKY: He’s sexy and his character was funny. I liked him in this.
RYAN: He has growth in this one. He didn’t in the first.
BECKY: I loved him and also little Franco.
RYAN: Love Dave in this. He plays a realistic gay. There is some overacting in this but mostly just from Seth Rogen and Chloe Grace Moretz. But I suppose hat over-the-top serves it.
BECKY: And i liked some cameos like Kelsey Grammer, and some of the people from Broad City.
RYAN: And Billy Eichner! He can act – that was totally not him, such a cool surprise.
BECKY: He was very cool and funny and looked very handsome.
RYAN: He transformed. Rose Byrne is fine. She’s so versatile but I prefer her in drama.
BECKY: I’m tire of Seth. I like him but he’s this in everything I’ve seen. I get it – having sex with Seth Rogen is not sexy. I’m tired of that.
RYAN: Selena Gomez in the beginning is great. It is weird that that main girls all played that they were unpopular in high school but I didn’t really buy that.
BECKY: I liked the sorority girls – even then they go for the gross joke.
RYAN: But I thought it was cool that they went so far as to acknowledge it within in the movie, “oh did we cross the line?”
BECKY: Yeah that was meta.
RYAN: I liked it.
BECKY: I’m so shocked. But I agree – I’m glad we gave it the chance.
RYAN: You always have to keep an open mind and for what it is, this one was fun.